"INDICHEM Specialty Fertilizers"
020-6750 6767

100 % water-soluble without chlorine

KRYTAFEED” NPK fertilizers

KRYSTAFEED NPK are highly pure, crystalline, sold and 100% water-soluble fertilizers. The formulas included in KRYSTAFEED® NPK can be applied in different phenologic stages of the crop.

We carry out an exhaustive monitoring to our suppliers, for controlling the demanded standards of our raw material with the purpose of high quality stable and soluble KRYSTAFEED NPK formulations, and thus, assuring good productive outputs in the agricultural fields.

All our standard formulas are made with highly soluble with and without chlorides some balance are enriched with our standard mix of trace elements chelated by EDTA.



Satisfy the nutritional needs of the plant, allowing the maximum output.


Krystafeed 14-48-0 use nitrification inhibitor to optimise the efficiency of nitrogen fertilization.


Nitrogen is available for the plant when it can absorb it, reducing loses by volatilization or lixiviation.